Awesome News from YEG Awesome Foundation!

We at EALT are well known for our creativity. In our first year, we developed a Culture-Conservation Connection, which was very well received, and continues to expand. Naturally, this led us to the idea of a Creativity Connection, using Lego, which supports creativity, playfulness and innovation.

The creative dream is to make a Lego model of an EALT natural area. We recently connected with a group of specialist Lego model builders, headed by an architect, who thought our dream could become reality and would be a unique challenge for them. They are on board to build this extraordinary model and recruit support from Lego Corporation.

Getting the team together, of course, is only step one; the next step was to find seed funds for Lego pieces, since an awful lot of Lego will be needed, particularly the green pieces, and Lego is quite expensive!

Since this was such an awesome idea, and we at EALT love creativity, we decided to apply to the Edmonton Awesome Foundation for funds to make our dream a reality. The Awesome Foundation accepts and reviews applications for their $1,000, no-strings-attached grant, and invites the very best to pitch their idea at a public venue.

Our "Nature is Awesome" proposal was shortlisted, and EALT was selected to make a pitch, among a number of other excellent projects. You can see our project concept on the Edmonton Awesome Foundation website

With a massive Lego brick in one hand and a Snowy owl in the other, we created a quick visual link between Lego and nature, and pitched our concept. Linking both the awesome and Lego themes, we alluded to the recently released Lego Movie theme song: for example, we told the audience that virtually all our accomplishments depend on our terrific team of volunteers - "everything is cool when you’re part of a team"!

And we also decided the song itself just had to be modified and sung for the final seconds of the pitch!

Everything is awesome,
Everything is cool when you’re part of a team,
Nature is awesome,
When you’re livin’ in the green!

There were great questions too. EALT was asked about the trend for kids to construct on digital devices, and we explained more about why we want kids to be interested in doing real things, and getting outside, not sitting in front of screens!

After all pitches, a public ballot was taken for the best project, and the Awesome Trustees took the public ballots and went off to deliberate.

We were amazed when our project was selected. We have nothing but respect for the other applicants and their terrific projects, but we’re delighted and very excited to have won the Edmonton Awesome Foundation’s support for our concept!

Thank you to the attendees and the trustees for choosing the “Nature is Awesome” project!

We’re looking forward to letting everyone know more about this awesome project next year!