EALT's Regional Conservation Plan & Planning Your Conservation Legacy

Securing Conservation Lands is our Top Priority

EALT’s newly released Regional Conservation Plan outlines how we will meet our land securement goals in our local provincial, national, and international contexts.

Our land securement goals are:

  1. To secure ecologically-important lands that support biodiversity, habitat connectivity, and ecosystems.

  2. To conserve lands that, in addition to ecological value, have high social, cultural, agricultural, or recreational value, supporting smart growth, health, and wellbeing.

Edmonton is in the Central Parkland subregion, a region of which only 5% is native vegetation and the landscape is highly fragmented. However, since most of the land in the Central Parkland subregion is privately owned, there is great opportunity to EALT to partner with landowners to conserve a network of forests, river valleys, wetlands, lakes, and farmlands for future generation. Read more about how we conserve nature here.

What will your Conservation Legacy be?

EALT secures new lands primarily through donation from landowners. If you are in a position to donate land or a conservation easement and are wondering how the process works, start with our Planning Your Conservation Legacy Guide.

There are 13 steps to planning your conservation legacy outlined below, with more specific information in our guide.

Contact us if you would like to work with us to plan your conservation legacy.